The Agency: Episode 1

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Beskrivelse: The main character has a complex backstory. His parents abandoned him, so he was adopted by a foster family that gave him everything they had. Now, as an adult, he wants to show his gratitude by starting an agency with a bunch of hot models. The game starts 30 days before the agency's grand opening, and you get to see the whole journey from start to finish. As the player, you don't just passively observe the events; you have the power to make choices that affect the story and change the outcome of the game. Your decisions will determine the success of the agency and how it develops.
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You can play other parts of the game by just clicking on the links here: The Agency: Episode 2 and The Agency: Episode 3

Version: Updated: 2024-08-02, Posted: 2024-08-01. Request for an Update!
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